career valley institute

At-a-glance: Sterile Processing Technician program at EVIT

Mission Board #test #UpBoard #upboardexam #upboardexam2024

At-a-glance: Nursing Assistant career training program at EVIT Career and College Prep | #WeAreEVIT

Find the Right Career with East Valley Institute of Technology

Students get real life application with massage therapy clinic

Career training at the East Valley Institute of Technology in Mesa, AZ

Katie, an electrical student, wants you to enroll at EVIT

Bernalillo County hosting 2025 Youth Job Fair

Sterile Processing Technician student inspired to make a difference

Dental Assistant student pursuing the career of her dreams at EVIT

At-a-glance: EVIT Post Secondary Programs (30-sec) | Phoenix Career Training at EVIT in Mesa, AZ

How students find their careers by doing what they love at EVIT

Get hands-on training and experience in the EVIT Dental Assistant program

Micaiah, Culinary Arts - CTE Month

Experienced instructors train the future workforce at EVIT.

Welding student discovers passion

Marketing Degree | Fox Valley Technical College

Cosmetology student realizes her passion in EVIT career training program

How to balance Fe+O2=Fe2O3 |Chemical equation Fe+O2=Fe2O3 |Reaction balance Fe+O2=Fe2O3

Students in the physical therapy program have many career options

Train for your career in the EVIT Nursing degree program | Change Your Career. Change Your Life.

Saving lives, caring for people: Nursing Assistant student recommends program at EVIT.

Learn the basics of cosmetology and get to work.